
I think I have PTSD from my hotel job and there’s no way out.

I have applied to over 100 jobs and got virtually nowhere. I did what the Boomers told me to do, got the degree, volunteered, learned a couple computer languages on my spare time, the whole 9 yards, and ultimately I still got nowhere. Well, I did eventually get a job 2 months ago. The only reason I was able to get this job was simply due to nepotism. I currently work at a hotel getting paid minimum wage. At this job, I was warned beforehand it was going to be an extremely toxic experience and that most people quit within 2 weeks. Being desperate with bills to pay, I took the job anyway. As you can expect the job is full of boomers and they tend to be the most toxic. On my second day they called me “fat and useless” and still spread rumors about me. Well, it turns…

I have applied to over 100 jobs and got virtually nowhere. I did what the Boomers told me to do, got the degree, volunteered, learned a couple computer languages on my spare time, the whole 9 yards, and ultimately I still got nowhere.

Well, I did eventually get a job 2 months ago. The only reason I was able to get this job was simply due to nepotism. I currently work at a hotel getting paid minimum wage.

At this job, I was warned beforehand it was going to be an extremely toxic experience and that most people quit within 2 weeks. Being desperate with bills to pay, I took the job anyway.

As you can expect the job is full of boomers and they tend to be the most toxic. On my second day they called me “fat and useless” and still spread rumors about me.

Well, it turns out that they place monetary bets on when someone will quit and bully people into quitting. Management has told them to stop years ago but it's obvious they still do it as I'm their #1 target for no reason. I've always been respectful and quiet.

That isn't even the worst part.

We had a customer die in one of our rooms. Instead of hiring a certified cleaning service they forced us to clean the room and had me clean the dead man's sheets. It was covered in blood and ficklematter. No raise, nothing. I even asked if that was illegal and they told me “It's no different than a living person's poop.”

That was 3 weeks ago.

Their newest form of abuse is making me feel guilty for using gloves when dealing with the ficklematter covered blankets. They are disgusting because they don't wear gloves. “I have been working here for 21 years and I'm not dead” they tell me.

There are no jobs available. Even fastfood & retail rejected me.

There is literally no hope anymore.

Edit: Another thing they do? We put clean laundry in poop infested buckets. Here is a photo I took of the poop in the bucket. I don't even know if I can ever sleep in a hotel again…

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