
I think I just quit, AMA.

So I (21F) went into work this morning as usual, things were going fine until I clocked in in the office which I’m “not supposed to do”, even though -all the managers do it -I’m a cashier, I have to come back to the office anyways to get my till -I’m the HEAD CASHIER, I have the bloody safe combination, and I get paid almost as much as the managers and have similar responsibilities And when the opening manager started berating me, everything just sort of exploded. I’ve been considering leaving for a while, between petty things like this, scheduling issues (we’re low staffed yet get dozens of applications a week), and corporate being out of touch, I’m sick of it. I talked back to her, I yelled, I took off my vest and left the few keys I had (I’m not considered a keyholder, but I had keys to…

So I (21F) went into work this morning as usual, things were going fine until I clocked in in the office which I’m “not supposed to do”, even though
-all the managers do it
-I’m a cashier, I have to come back to the office anyways to get my till
-I’m the HEAD CASHIER, I have the bloody safe combination, and I get paid almost as much as the managers and have similar responsibilities

And when the opening manager started berating me, everything just sort of exploded. I’ve been considering leaving for a while, between petty things like this, scheduling issues (we’re low staffed yet get dozens of applications a week), and corporate being out of touch, I’m sick of it. I talked back to her, I yelled, I took off my vest and left the few keys I had (I’m not considered a keyholder, but I had keys to the glass cases and a couple other things, just not the front doors) and fucking left. Either I’m gonna call my boss or he’ll call me first later, idk, I don’t particularly want to leave, but I can’t fucking take it anymore, and I know a lot of my coworkers are at similar points.

it’s only been about a half an hour since all this and I’m currently laying in bed drying my tears, applying for new jobs. AMA.

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