
I think I made an ass out of myself today.

I have autism, I work at a pretty big company. I don’t know if what I did, it was me being pedantic/anal/caring way too much about shit that I shouldn’t, sweating the small stuff and dealing with trivial matters or just my overactive OCD. Part of my daily tasks is to replace the stationary in meeting rooms. This mainly means whiteboard markers, we have two different brands. My co workers know I am autistic, they known my strengths and weaknesses, they don’t take advantage or push buttons. I posted yesterday about my company/job being dependent on idiots, and that if it wasn’t for people not having common sense/taking advantage of the “help” or absent minded professors, I would not have a job in the first place. As I said there are two brands of whiteboard markers, one keeps getting eaten (otherwise known as gets used often) disappears quickly, either stolen…

I have autism, I work at a pretty big company. I don’t know if what I did, it was me being pedantic/anal/caring way too much about shit that I shouldn’t, sweating the small stuff and dealing with trivial matters or just my overactive OCD.

Part of my daily tasks is to replace the stationary in meeting rooms. This mainly means whiteboard markers, we have two different brands.

My co workers know I am autistic, they known my strengths and weaknesses, they don’t take advantage or push buttons.

I posted yesterday about my company/job being dependent on idiots, and that if it wasn’t for people not having common sense/taking advantage of the “help” or absent minded professors, I would not have a job in the first place.

As I said there are two brands of whiteboard markers, one keeps getting eaten (otherwise known as gets used often) disappears quickly, either stolen or not returned it is very popular, the other we have an abundance of, it is not very popular at all, but I keep seeing the other brand creep into the popular markers, every now and then. Like 3 will be the popular one, and one will be the other brand.

I went to my boss and brought this up, with one brand in one hand and the other brand in my other hand, trying to articulate what was wrong, and what the problem was and I couldn’t find the proper words

I could just tell from her body language and expressions that I was wasting her time, this is way too trivial but I for some reason had to get to the bottom of it and get a solution

Eventually she suggested to just buy more of the popular brand. But I feel bad for reading it as wasting her time

And now I don’t know what to do with this literal Crapton of different brand whiteboard markers

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