
I think I should start looking for a new job but I’m not sure how or what’s even next

So I work at the offices of a certain pro sports league in NJ/NYC. Just making this as cryptic as possible just to minimize the chances of being known it’s me posting this. The mail room job is ok at best, not much hard work or annoying people to deal with constantly compared to my previous retail jobs and I do see some cool things here and there since it is a sport I really like watching. Long story ahead I was ready to jump ship from my retail jobs for obvious reasons anyone would wanna get the fuck out of retail for good. I’m applying to entry level office environment jobs left and right online because I refuse to work in a retail environment anymore I’ve mentally checked out from those jobs for good. So one day I get a call from a temp agency and they run down…

So I work at the offices of a certain pro sports league in NJ/NYC. Just making this as cryptic as possible just to minimize the chances of being known it’s me posting this. The mail room job is ok at best, not much hard work or annoying people to deal with constantly compared to my previous retail jobs and I do see some cool things here and there since it is a sport I really like watching.

Long story ahead I was ready to jump ship from my retail jobs for obvious reasons anyone would wanna get the fuck out of retail for good.

I’m applying to entry level office environment jobs left and right online because I refuse to work in a retail environment anymore I’ve mentally checked out from those jobs for good. So one day I get a call from a temp agency and they run down the details on what I’ll be doing and where the job is located. I take the opportunity cause it’s a better pay rate, a lot closer to home, guaranteed 40 hours, and I finally have an out from retail. After a few interviews and a couple days later I get told my starting date. Benefits are okay but thankfully I’m still on my parents insurance plan for some time.

Anyways fast forward almost a year they decide to keep me on and make me a permanent employee at my site although the process is moving like molasses, a red flag I must say if I’m correct. Job is going smooth other than the one annoying coworker every once in a while and that one annoying task once a week.

I started off at 9-5 but about 2 months ago I started to get scheduled 10-6. No big deal I’m not working ridiculous and random hours in retail anymore. Only issue is that there’s absolutely no one in the office past 5. Let alone 4:30 especially given that most people can work from home in the first place. You’d be surprised to see anyone working in the building unless they’re working a matchup that night and they never come to mail room which is closed at 5 anyways. All the work gets done early in the day so it’s basically smooth sailing the rest of the day.

Now the real issue here is that there’s no point in staying past 5 when people can’t walk up to the mail room for help and there’s no one or nothing to work on. Even my coworkers agree and the other guy that works the same schedule in the other office building has spoken up about that. So naturally I leave before I’m scheduled too and I still get paid for that time.

But lately my boss is noticing I’m leaving early and he tells me, he’s fine with me leaving just to call him and let him know next time and he can be a little more lenient about it. Fair, I can work with that. Now this past Friday he said he’s leaving around 4:45 and I see him in his car leave the parking lot. So I finish up one final small task of the day and I get ready to head out before moving my car from the underground garage to the street level parking lot to leave a lot quicker after I go back in and get changed since I had plans after work and leave right after that. As soon as I’m at the exit of the garage he calls me and it comes a 7 minute lecture how he needs to trust me and that I’m stabbing him in the back and making it about his appearance to his managers. But the best part about it was that he basically told me “this can’t continue cause we’re gonna have to find a new team”.

The more I think about it, given his past behavior on deflecting blame for his own mistakes that eventually fall on us and allows him to justify scolding an employee for his own mistake that he won’t own up to once we all realize he knows he fucked up. I should leave this job. Example: we had to send a chair over for a very important person on our shuttle that transports stuff and people between the offices. He asked my coworker who took care of it to send a confirmation of when we got the chair. Our boss never replied. My other coworker texted him too. Didn’t reply. Never got sent over in time. Turns out when my boss called and found out, he went into an explicit ridden phone call where I couldn’t even get the chance to stand up for my coworkers and tell him two different people contacted you and you never replied. Our boss called 2 other people also yelling curse words at his work desk rather than confronting my coworker because he knew he was wrong and won’t ever admit to it because he wants to keep up his appearances of being a yes man. Still avoids my coworker for that reason about 2 weeks later. Best part about it it was the wrong chair all along and we had to scramble to get it over on the shuttle. We wouldn’t have avoided the whole fiasco in the first place anyways.

Like does this guy just pretend to leave and wait for me in some corner of the parking lot to see me leave and call me about it???

I know I shouldn’t put up with this crap anymore and neither should my coworkers. Thankfully one of them is leaving so I’m glad for them. It’s exactly why I put in a 2 day notice on a weekend I was off from some time off I took at target. So I didn’t even return to work. Terrible bosses. Thanks to this subreddit it helped me realize how sooner I should’ve stood up for myself and got me to realize I’ve had enough. Now if you’re already here, I’m not even sure what I should do since I’m under a temp agency and this is a completely different ball game to me. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Edit: completely forgot to point out that I’m the last guy there for the day. So it’s not like I’m screwing over someone to fend for themselves in off chance someone needs help or there’s work to be done by leaving 20-30 minutes early. Just about everyone leaves a little earlier and no one but my boss really cares about it.

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