
I think I was fired. Now what…?

Long story- I work/worked in retail. Things started getting more downhill with my schedule one day my boss scheduled me to work Thursday morning on Wednesday evening. I sent a text stating I couldn't work the whole shift as I had plans. The next morning I show up for my shift and told him again I couldn't work the whole shift (I'd have 3 hours early). So he said I'd need to find a replacement for the rest of my shift etc while being upset. I didn't find a replacement so he assumed I was working my whole shift and apologized for getting upset earlier. I told him I'd still leave early and they got upset again and said I'd get written up. So I left when I said I was going to anyways. I never did get written up. However, my hours changed significantly after that. I went from…

Long story- I work/worked in retail. Things started getting more downhill with my schedule one day my boss scheduled me to work Thursday morning on Wednesday evening. I sent a text stating I couldn't work the whole shift as I had plans. The next morning I show up for my shift and told him again I couldn't work the whole shift (I'd have 3 hours early). So he said I'd need to find a replacement for the rest of my shift etc while being upset. I didn't find a replacement so he assumed I was working my whole shift and apologized for getting upset earlier. I told him I'd still leave early and they got upset again and said I'd get written up. So I left when I said I was going to anyways.
I never did get written up. However, my hours changed significantly after that. I went from several days a week down to 1 four-hour day a week. I was told it was because the company was cutting hours but the boss hired someone after and they were getting more hours than me.
That went on for about a month or two until I couldn't make a shift due to vehicle problems. Since then my next scheduled day was removed and I haven't had a day scheduled since nor do I have any days scheduled for the future. No word from the boss just no more work for over a month.

Short story: My boss scheduled me for a couple of hours a week down to zero hours and hasn't said a word. Nothing scheduled weeks ago and weeks ahead.

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