
I think I’m being taken advantage of by my employer.

Need help with what I should do going forward. I recently took on a promotion from environmental services to surgical scheduling for PO and returning patients. I’ve been at this for three months now. My training has basically been non-existent and I’ve figured out how to do stuff through angry emails about things I’ve been getting wrong that no-one has trained me how to do in the first place. If I ask how to do something I get conflicting answers it’s a matter of getting it right through trial and error. We recently lost our front desk person/secretary. She left after not even being here a year and she allegedly left because of how poorly run our dept is. So naturally they ask me to sit at her desk and field her calls. I’m okay with that because it’s honestly really slow otherwise and I could use the extra work…

Need help with what I should do going forward. I recently took on a promotion from environmental services to surgical scheduling for PO and returning patients. I’ve been at this for three months now. My training has basically been non-existent and I’ve figured out how to do stuff through angry emails about things I’ve been getting wrong that no-one has trained me how to do in the first place. If I ask how to do something I get conflicting answers it’s a matter of getting it right through trial and error.

We recently lost our front desk person/secretary. She left after not even being here a year and she allegedly left because of how poorly run our dept is. So naturally they ask me to sit at her desk and field her calls. I’m okay with that because it’s honestly really slow otherwise and I could use the extra work to stay occupied during an otherwise slow work week. So now I’ve had people asking me to mail stuff. I know nothing about mailing and it’s not the position I was hired for and I was never asked to handle that responsibility. Of course I have to tell them that’s not my job and I know nothing about it. I’m expected to scan OR packets, which is fine but then someone tried passing off other documentation to scan, which again, isn’t my job and I wasn’t shown how to properly scan this particularly type of document in.

I’m expecting any day now they’ll complain to me that we’re out of pods for the keurig even though it’s not my fucking job and I now got an email from my boss asking me to answer mainline calls even though that’s what I’ve been doing.

I’m torn between asking for a raise or trying to jump ship. Either I feel I’m being taken advantage of and don’t intend to let this continue. Does anyone know how I should confront this situation?

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