
I think I’m brainwashed

I feel like since I’ve only worked at non-profits for the last few years I’ve become really guilt ridden if I call off. I’ve had a pretty funky past few days and on top of it one of my dogs is horrified of fireworks and storms. I haven’t slept all weekend and after the fireworks last night we had a thunderstorm. I was supposed to work today but I was exhausted and really just needed a day for my brain. I did just have two days off and I called in anyways saying I didn’t feel well. I’m just annoyed because I feel extreme guilt for not going in even though I know I would have been miserable all day. I work at an animal shelter and I do night calls so it’s 40+ hours a week depending on how calls are. I guess I’m just upset that I needed…

I feel like since I’ve only worked at non-profits for the last few years I’ve become really guilt ridden if I call off. I’ve had a pretty funky past few days and on top of it one of my dogs is horrified of fireworks and storms. I haven’t slept all weekend and after the fireworks last night we had a thunderstorm. I was supposed to work today but I was exhausted and really just needed a day for my brain. I did just have two days off and I called in anyways saying I didn’t feel well. I’m just annoyed because I feel extreme guilt for not going in even though I know I would have been miserable all day. I work at an animal shelter and I do night calls so it’s 40+ hours a week depending on how calls are. I guess I’m just upset that I needed a day to begin with, and that I feel so guilty that I can’t even relax and try to get myself out of my funk. It feels like a never ending cycle and was wondering if anyone else felt this way?

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