
I think it’s time

So I work at a car dealership as an “express technician” changing oil, rotating tires etc. I’ve been there about 2 months now and I work on a team of 2-3 others and we have 2 bays between us to work in. Now I should mention that every single tech in the shop has a chair next to their box. This is important because when I first started we had one as well but it mysteriously disappeared… a month goes by I don’t complain but this past Saturday I went and grabbed a chair out of the office only to have it gone after I go out for a smoke break. I go get it again, same shit. Whatever, I go home and on Sunday I sprain my ankle. So Monday morning I go in to grab a chair so I don’t have to stand on my injury all day…

So I work at a car dealership as an “express technician” changing oil, rotating tires etc. I’ve been there about 2 months now and I work on a team of 2-3 others and we have 2 bays between us to work in. Now I should mention that every single tech in the shop has a chair next to their box. This is important because when I first started we had one as well but it mysteriously disappeared… a month goes by I don’t complain but this past Saturday I went and grabbed a chair out of the office only to have it gone after I go out for a smoke break. I go get it again, same shit. Whatever, I go home and on Sunday I sprain my ankle. So Monday morning I go in to grab a chair so I don’t have to stand on my injury all day only to be stopped and told “express techs don’t get chairs”. At this point I’m like f that, if everyone else gets one so do I! Which turns into an argument with my manager who tells me that’s not how I get what I want. I replied “ I am not asking. I refuse to stand here and beg for the same respect everyone else gets automatically. We also had a “communal” radio on my side of the shop one of the old techs had left behind that I used to play music to help get through the day. Zero warning or anything, I come in after having a day off and the radio is gone! You can only take so much from a man before they say F U. I think today is the day I quit. I hope everyone has a beautiful day because I know I will.

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