Now I have recurring dreams about working for the company I retired from, and being written up for:
– having a heart attack on the job (that actually happened, and I was written up for leaving early without permission),
– or having severe breathing difficulties on the job (I have IPF, which is a chronic, progressive and ultimately fatal lung disease, and I was put on a “performance improvement plan” (essentially probation) for having the gumption to cough, even though coughing goes along with IPF),
– or not taking a laptop with me so I could continue working during a tornado warning (that happened in 2016 during a regional tornado outbreak, and we all gathered together in the tornado shelter with our laptops and were told to continue working).
I wake up from these dreams absolutely livid, look around me, realize I'm in my bed and my partner is lying next to me, that I'm retired and I don't have to go to work, and that company is now behind me.
Want to know something? I actually prefer the dreams of taking a final exam for a class I never attended, or even tornado dreams than I do these damned work dreams.