
I think I’ve hit the jackpot with my new job and I couldn’t be happier!

I've been in this group for awhile as I was super unhappy with the job I was doing and it finally gave me the courage to quit the job I was in and absolutely hating to pursue other opportunities where I felt more valued as a team member and less exploited. I'm studying HR at Uni and managed to land an entry level part time position in a pretty big organisation while I study. I've been here for about a month now and I could not be happier. I had an exam last week and not only was my boss happy to let me take the day off to sit the exam, but she also practically forced me to take the day before the exam off as well as she couldn't let me come to work in good conscience knowing I should probably be relaxing before my exam and mentally…

I've been in this group for awhile as I was super unhappy with the job I was doing and it finally gave me the courage to quit the job I was in and absolutely hating to pursue other opportunities where I felt more valued as a team member and less exploited. I'm studying HR at Uni and managed to land an entry level part time position in a pretty big organisation while I study.

I've been here for about a month now and I could not be happier. I had an exam last week and not only was my boss happy to let me take the day off to sit the exam, but she also practically forced me to take the day before the exam off as well as she couldn't let me come to work in good conscience knowing I should probably be relaxing before my exam and mentally preparing. Today we had an out of office team building day where we went and did pottery classes and then ordered sushi and cakes and had our monthly team meeting. For our next team meeting we're going horse riding and then having lunch at a chocolate factory. Loving it and just wanted to share how this sub made my life better.

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