
I think my boss tricked me.

I work at a place that has had a high turn over rate for the past couple years . All my coworkers who actually became my friends , have quit due to poor treatment from management or lack of joy / mental health . I’ve been there for almost ten years and I’ve been struggling with my mental health . This job does make me unhappy but I’m not in position to just up and leave …yet . I work with children and it’s become very taxing .Most importantly, the experience working there during Covid really opened up a lot of the employees eyes . That being said here’s the meat and potatoes. I mentioned before that I’ve been here almost ten years . My eighth year , I applied for a higher position . I interviewed and I got it . The other lady who worked with me moved…

I work at a place that has had a high turn over rate for the past couple years . All my coworkers who actually became my friends , have quit due to poor treatment from management or lack of joy / mental health . I’ve been there for almost ten years and I’ve been struggling with my mental health . This job does make me unhappy but I’m not in position to just up and leave …yet .

I work with children and it’s become very taxing .Most importantly, the experience working there during Covid really opened up a lot of the employees eyes . That being said here’s the meat and potatoes.

I mentioned before that I’ve been here almost ten years . My eighth year , I applied for a higher position . I interviewed and I got it . The other lady who worked with me moved so I inherited her work because they weren’t able d to hire anyone to replace her .So what happened to my work load , it doubled.
Fast forward , I apply for an even higher position within the same company but at a different location . A few weeks pass , and the boss’ right hand woman asks if she can speak with me . I go and she says that she wants to thank me for my hard work and that she and the boss would like to give me a pay Increase for a certain amount of time . She said that I’d be maKing the same as the Job that I applied for . Looking back I should of said that I’d think about it but I blindly agreed without checking numbers or doing some introspective thinking ( mistake ). A few minutes later I hear this lady on the phone talking about resumes and this person’s not interviewing for THE SAME DAMN JOB I APPLIED FOR BECAUSE “I’M HAVING THEM DO SOMETHING ELSE .” Given that I didn’t hear my name specifically , maybe she wasn’t talking about me but I have yet to hear about getting an interview.I had no reason to think that she would even see that I applied for that job . So my brain starts turning . What if she offered me the “bump” to keep me here and take me out of the running for this interview in which I have a high probability of being hired for , leaving them high and dry / without their workhorse .

The next day , my boss ( who I don’t talk to unless I have a legit question because that’s how much I can’t stand her ) asks me what rate I make . I tell her BUT then it occurs to me that I’m actually suppose to get a raise but it hasn’t taken effect yet so I ask her if the raise is based off of my current rate or what I’m actually supposed to be making . She said current . Which in that case ,the bump doesn’t mean shit because even with the bump I’m not making more than what my raise is and definitely not making anywhere near what the job I applied for would make . So basically it’s ALL BULLSHIT .
My brain doesn’t want to believe that they could be that malicious but my ex co-working friends have told me about how jacked up they were treated by management before .
Closing thoughts: Have I been bamboozle? I feel like I have .
Should me taking that stupid bump take me out of the running for the other job that I applied for ? I don’t think it should but I haven’t heard anything about getting an interview.

Edit: short version
Accepted bump in pay but bump is no where near what new job that I applied for and am very qualified for would make . I believe I was offered the bump and the temporary title so it would take me out of the running for interviews resulting in company not loosing a stellar employee ( me).

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