I need some advice please! I’m 22 and admittedly don’t have a lot of knowledge of labor laws and can be an extreme people pleaser. I work as a groomer at a corporate salon and make commission. Technically I make commission or 9.50 hourly, depending on which would be more so it always ends up being commission. I also make my own schedule. I have been told by management that we are not supposed to work over 40 hours, but that there are no rules against it.
Two weeks ago was a big winter storm, so I ended up rescheduling two days worth of clients. I am booked out for a month, so instead of making them wait, I just put them on my schedule for my off days.
Another groomer and the store lead told me when I first started, that if I have to go over 40 hours to not clock in certain days or to clock out early. I went along with it which I realize is dumb now but I was still making commission for those days so I didn’t think much of it. I tried to do that this past week that I was scheduled the whole 7 days, but another manager got upset with me and told me I absolutely had to clock in (which I completely understand, I was just trying to listen to the store lead).
But when I check my time sheet for this last week, I saw that that same manager had edited it a ton! The problem is that groomers don’t always have access to the time clocks and have to have a manager clock us in, but I’ve been very adamant lately about making someone give me access to the time clocks. I know I only missed clocking in two days out of seven this week, but every single day has been edited to have made me clock in later than I know I did. What am I able to do about this situation, even though I don’t have any proof of me being there earlier than when she clocked me in?
TLDR: My manager has been clocking me in late, but I have no proof and have no idea what to do about it!