
I think my workplace is trying to fire my whole team

I'm super upset about it. The company has gone under new management these past few months and has undergone some large changes. I've been with the company for just these past few months, as has nearly all my team because of it'd turnover rate. They're implementing super strict rules made to get us fired. Lunch starts the moment we step out of the production room and not when we clock out, they're timing us on our projects and saying we have to get all the work done when they assign more that can realistically be completed in one day, they are going to fire anyone who calls out sick if they don't have sick time. They don't provide us the equipment we need/it's constantly breaking or disappearing, we never have enough ingredients to bake what we need to even though they assign us the work, and anything like that that…

I'm super upset about it. The company has gone under new management these past few months and has undergone some large changes. I've been with the company for just these past few months, as has nearly all my team because of it'd turnover rate.

They're implementing super strict rules made to get us fired. Lunch starts the moment we step out of the production room and not when we clock out, they're timing us on our projects and saying we have to get all the work done when they assign more that can realistically be completed in one day, they are going to fire anyone who calls out sick if they don't have sick time. They don't provide us the equipment we need/it's constantly breaking or disappearing, we never have enough ingredients to bake what we need to even though they assign us the work, and anything like that that goes wrong is blamed on us. Our big boss is coming to sit in for 3 weeks in the kitchen and nobody is thrilled. We usually have fun like singing and dancing and chatting, but ofc we won't do that anymore.

Frankly I don't feel like a human. I don't feel like an individual. I have needs, I have good and bad days, I have a life outside of work. But they don't care about the people. All they see are numbers and they just want to turn a profit. They'll crush whoever it takes.

They've already “let go” the entire ice cream spin side. Brought in new machines and told them to hit the road. They've fired the entire bake staff in the past. They're looking to hire “professionals”. They're pushing us out. They're purposely trying to make us leave. They've fired two good managers. My manager now, a good guy too, is looking to leave because it's gotten so bad.

This company sees us as just flesh covered poorly working machines and not humans. And I know this is how it is pretty much everywhere. It crushes me. I don't even know how I'm supposed to be okay continuing to live my life knowing I'm just a cog to make some money bag fatter rather than getting to live as the animal I was born as free from work and societal responsibilities. It's all just a fabrication that the big wigs maintain or else gasp it'll be their time to suffer where we are.

It's just not fair and I don't know if life is worth living if every day I just wake up miserable for a job I hate where I'm not even given a scrap of decency and respect whatsoever.

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