
I think people that don’t like r/antiwork are people that don’t understand the hardships when it comes to working

I think for the most part if people were to see “antiwork” they immediately go to “lazy”. Which is the not case. Having spent some actual time here I've noticed a lot of posts are valid complaints. Sure there can be some that are “silly”, but every subreddit has some posts that don't fit. From what I can tell on here people are tired of the conditions of work rather than work itself. People are tired of having to cover for other co-workers who aren't responsible. People are tired of getting told to come in on their day off. People are tired of the wages not even being able to afford a place to live. Heck can't even afford a studio making min wage. Why shouldn't you be able to rent and only work 30 or even 35 hours a week. Which would be an improved over the grulling 40…

I think for the most part if people were to see “antiwork” they immediately go to “lazy”. Which is the not case. Having spent some actual time here I've noticed a lot of posts are valid complaints. Sure there can be some that are “silly”, but every subreddit has some posts that don't fit. From what I can tell on here people are tired of the conditions of work rather than work itself. People are tired of having to cover for other co-workers who aren't responsible. People are tired of getting told to come in on their day off. People are tired of the wages not even being able to afford a place to live. Heck can't even afford a studio making min wage. Why shouldn't you be able to rent and only work 30 or even 35 hours a week. Which would be an improved over the grulling 40 hour work week. Then you get folks who brag about working more than that. That you must be lazy if you can't do 45 or 50 hours. Just because “you can” work that much doesn't mean you should. It's not good mentally. It's not good physically. It's not good for relationships. The only thing long hours are “good for” is for the greedy corporations that yes while they still have to pay you for working long hours if it nets them more money they will overwork you.

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