
I think there is something wrong with my boss.

I work for a Mom and Pop business. Pop is very strict and has zero tolerance policy for missing work no matter what the excuse. I work with another guy, we’ll call Dave. I was at work one day and Dave was scheduled to work also. Pop angrily comes up to me asking where Dave is saying he is four minutes late for his shift. I had to let Pop know since he hadn’t heard, Dave passed away the night before in a car accident. Pop’s face turns red and he starts going off about how that is no excuse for missing work and he needs to provide a death certificate or it will be an unexcused absence from work. A couple days later at Dave’s funeral Pop shows up uninvited and walks straight up to Dave’s casket, interrupting the eulogy. He then proceeds to berate Dave for the next…

I work for a Mom and Pop business. Pop is very strict and has zero tolerance policy for missing work no matter what the excuse. I work with another guy, we’ll call Dave. I was at work one day and Dave was scheduled to work also. Pop angrily comes up to me asking where Dave is saying he is four minutes late for his shift. I had to let Pop know since he hadn’t heard, Dave passed away the night before in a car accident. Pop’s face turns red and he starts going off about how that is no excuse for missing work and he needs to provide a death certificate or it will be an unexcused absence from work. A couple days later at Dave’s funeral Pop shows up uninvited and walks straight up to Dave’s casket, interrupting the eulogy. He then proceeds to berate Dave for the next five minutes for missing his last three shifts, saying he is lazy and will never amount to anything. When he is done berating Dave, Pop turns to the funeral attendees and goes on a ten minute rant about how nobody wants to work anymore and storms out. The next day at work, Pop informs me that Dave has been fired and if I ever pull anything like that, I will be fired too.

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