
I thought I secured an okay job with a diverse workforce. Turns out the company just capitalizes off of us being right between poverty and the working class to keep us desperate and afraid to ask for better conditions.

I work in a science lab for fucks sake. $17 an hour. I have a Bachelor's degree (not that that makes me any better- it doesn't). We work in a lab where all the computers are from 2003 and all the machines are super old and cause us so much more work and time spent fixing them and rerunning samples. Last few weeks they laid people off and we have been going crazy trying to keep up with everything. I've been getting crazy overtime and I have been too exhausted to keep up with anything let alone apply for jobs. This week they finally banned overtime due to “budgetary reasons” just like firing people, but the upper management all have new cars in the parking lot somehow. I'm just so happy to only have to work 8 hours even if it does bite me in the ass eventually. I want…

I work in a science lab for fucks sake. $17 an hour. I have a Bachelor's degree (not that that makes me any better- it doesn't). We work in a lab where all the computers are from 2003 and all the machines are super old and cause us so much more work and time spent fixing them and rerunning samples. Last few weeks they laid people off and we have been going crazy trying to keep up with everything. I've been getting crazy overtime and I have been too exhausted to keep up with anything let alone apply for jobs. This week they finally banned overtime due to “budgetary reasons” just like firing people, but the upper management all have new cars in the parking lot somehow. I'm just so happy to only have to work 8 hours even if it does bite me in the ass eventually.

I want to unionize so bad but I feel like they'd just shut down the location. I live in a rural area so this is one of the “gateways” out of poverty but it still sucks. And they do it on purpose too. Just to make sure we stay in survival mode just enough to not ask for better.

I'm sure some of my coworkers are on here and feel like this rings a bell. This place is either people in their 30s and 40s trying to make ends meet or people in their early 20s with a springboard job into something better. If this sounds familiar…. sup. And do you want to unionize?

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