
I thought this would be my dream job…

In February 2022 I started training with a small business doing body waxing. The owner is extremely strong willed and has so much respect for herself and her business, which I really appreciated, because it taught me how to respect myself as well. I’ve been there since February, and I am still in training… it’s been 9 months since I started there, half of which I was not being paid for. None of that really concerned me because I was so excited about the knowledge and experience I was getting from there! There have been a few things that I have messed up on, mostly with scheduling, as I have never had a job where I make my own schedule. I have been working extra hard to be more organized. But this is my first serious adult job. I am 20 years old, 19 when I started, and my boss…

In February 2022 I started training with a small business doing body waxing. The owner is extremely strong willed and has so much respect for herself and her business, which I really appreciated, because it taught me how to respect myself as well. I’ve been there since February, and I am still in training… it’s been 9 months since I started there, half of which I was not being paid for. None of that really concerned me because I was so excited about the knowledge and experience I was getting from there!

There have been a few things that I have messed up on, mostly with scheduling, as I have never had a job where I make my own schedule. I have been working extra hard to be more organized. But this is my first serious adult job. I am 20 years old, 19 when I started, and my boss has not given me much grace at all about the things I don’t have experience in. She often refuses to talk to me about what happened until a couple days after, because she needs to cool down or figure out what to say to me, which generously fuels my anxiety.

This most recent mess up that I had was during my receptionist shift. One of her clients walked in, so I said hello and that my boss is finishing up with her current client. She lady said no problem and that she was early. About 5-7 minutes after the client sat down and was waiting she looked at her phone and realized that her appointment was actually scheduled for the next day. I apologized to her and she left, no biggie.

Well, my boss finished with her client and came into the lobby. She asked me what happened and I told her. She says to me “you know what, thank you, but you need to just go home.” I tried to apologize, but she would not listen. She just told me to pack up and leave.

I know I’m in the wrong. I know that I am, but I just don’t think how she reacted was okay…. I didn’t ignore the client. I only didn’t ask her name. I don’t know why I didn’t ask her name, I guess I just didn’t think it mattered all the much. We don’t have a “check in” system, and my boss was the only one working other than me, so I just assumed that of course it was her next client.

That happened two days ago and I do not know what to say to my boss when I see her tomorrow. I have talked to some people about it, and they say that she is out of line, and that perhaps this is not the best place for me to work because she is more harsh than I can handle. I have never really thought on leaving because of the exceptional education I have been getting, and 95% of the time there are no problems. But when there are problems of any size, my boss takes it extremely seriously.

If anyone has any advice or input I would love to hear what y’all think!

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