
I told a bar guest (currently a bartender) I was going to law school next year and was hoping to make $100k when I graduate. He told me that just gets me into middle class…

What the actual fuck? I have to get a graduate degree just to make slightly above what middle class is?? How do we not see how fucked this is? Fuck capitalism. I hate this system with every fiber of my being. I’m literally trying to do a job that requires a lot of hard work and reading but I still make less than a fucking landlord? I can’t wait until capitalism destroys itself. I yearn for the day

What the actual fuck? I have to get a graduate degree just to make slightly above what middle class is?? How do we not see how fucked this is? Fuck capitalism. I hate this system with every fiber of my being. I’m literally trying to do a job that requires a lot of hard work and reading but I still make less than a fucking landlord? I can’t wait until capitalism destroys itself. I yearn for the day

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