I have posted on here several times about how abusive she is. Verbally insults me and my co-worker. There’s a lot more but this has always been my main thing and why I have slowly developed anxiety about going to work.
A part-time position opened up at a branch closer to home and I jumped on it.
When I told my boss she was shocked. She tried to convince me to stay by questioning how I would afford living on a part-time wage and no benefits. She then offered me part-time at her branch. When I refused she offered me a 6 month sabbatical. I turned all of it down but she still insisted and told me to sleep on it. May I add that she still found a way to throw a cheap shot when she asked why I was leaving. I alluded to high stress due to school, work, and a family health issue that she is aware of. Her response, “yeah, you’ve dropped the ball quite a bit in the last few months.”
Unfortunately the whole situation has caused extreme guilt. Y’all, please talk some sense into me lol.