
I told my manager he can suck my d

Yes. I did. I am so infuriated. My company is vaguely arranged in 3 layers. Us blue collar workers in their respective departments. I'm in the garden department. Every department has a direct supervisor, mine has two. My two direct supervisors are almost the mum and dad of our squad, i love them dearly. The last layer is composed of the managers and the CEO. They essentially have no clue whats even happening in our company as they never leave their offices, to the point that our direct supervisors call them ridiculous and don't take their orders if they feel they are insensitive. Very specifically with one of these managers I have been having an awful problem. He accuses me of not sending in vital documents, not stepping down from the accusation even if I show him the email on my phone. He will say one thing on the phone,…

Yes. I did. I am so infuriated.
My company is vaguely arranged in 3 layers. Us blue collar workers in their respective departments. I'm in the garden department. Every department has a direct supervisor, mine has two. My two direct supervisors are almost the mum and dad of our squad, i love them dearly.

The last layer is composed of the managers and the CEO. They essentially have no clue whats even happening in our company as they never leave their offices, to the point that our direct supervisors call them ridiculous and don't take their orders if they feel they are insensitive.

Very specifically with one of these managers I have been having an awful problem. He accuses me of not sending in vital documents, not stepping down from the accusation even if I show him the email on my phone.
He will say one thing on the phone, but another in person, and even if those two statements are contradictory, he will insist they are not. He will tell me I am misremembering things, that I am trying to attack him and put him in bad light. No amount of solid evidence is helping me.
I am feeling extremely ridiculed and simply played. I take immense pride in the way I handle information, I am a meticulous note taker and data archivist. So being told on the phone that the company bus will arrive at 8, and then 2 hours later being told “i never said 8 I said 10” is infuriating, deeply insulting.
I printed out my application papers for other companies in the CEO's office printer because he isn't paying me enough to afford my own printer. I hope he likes the taste of that. At the same time, for the remainder of my stay there, I am going to record every phone call, and I already compiled every single email exchange, along with a log of related conflicts. I am still looking into whether, how, and where, I can report this behaviour. I'm not in the US, not in any part of america, so advice applicable to that part of the word is not applicable to mine.

Also, on the bright side, I already had an interview that went great, with this employer being ecstatic and through the roof over the skills and personality I bring to the party. Have not got the job YET, as he wants his higher ups to see me too.

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