
I tried to help my boss save on gloves by reminding him my size, and he blew me off.

I work in the cannibis industry. We are required to wear gloves at all times. Well, there is a shortage and my boss is trying to save them as much as possible. We've also been super low, so I've been having to use larges. My boss gave me rubber bands to wear so they stay in place. They help, but wearing rubber bands for eight hours hurts after a while, even with breaks. And the fingers are too long. I trimm. I can't physically trim if my glove fingers are long. I've been dealing with it with a bunch of tape, but that wastes so much time. Today we got a new shipment of gloves! But they are only small and larges. I wear mediums. I can wear the smalls a lot more comfortably then the larges. The issue is they rip a lot and I have to replace them…

I work in the cannibis industry. We are required to wear gloves at all times. Well, there is a shortage and my boss is trying to save them as much as possible.

We've also been super low, so I've been having to use larges. My boss gave me rubber bands to wear so they stay in place. They help, but wearing rubber bands for eight hours hurts after a while, even with breaks. And the fingers are too long. I trimm. I can't physically trim if my glove fingers are long. I've been dealing with it with a bunch of tape, but that wastes so much time.

Today we got a new shipment of gloves! But they are only small and larges. I wear mediums. I can wear the smalls a lot more comfortably then the larges. The issue is they rip a lot and I have to replace them constantly. And if I feel like trying to save them, I get nasty sticky green shit on my fingers.

I go up to my boss and ask if he got mediums. He says no in a ways that come across as rude, like “what the fuck do I care” type attitude. I brush it off and kindly say “Oh yeah I wear mediums. I can wear the larges and smalls, but the smalls rip a lot.” He replies back in the same tone “Yeah I don't know what size everyone wears.”

A) Yes he should. He's the owner, and the one ordering the gloves. It's his responsibility to order the right size for everyone.

B) He has asked me before! I remember him asking! I was being kind and reminding him

C) Don't fucking sit there and act like I'm an asshole for asking for the appropriate size of gloves so I can do my damn job properly

I just said “Okay I was just letting you know!” And left for the day.

So, if he was going to get mediums, I would have offered to wear larges so I go though less gloves. Well, now I'm just not going to worry about it. I'm going to wear smalls, and as soon as they rip I'm getting new ones. I tried to be nice in letting him know, but if he's not actually going to put forth effort to care, then fuck it. The whole damn industry is like this. I'm fucking getting out asap.

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