
I tried to take a sick day today

As the title says, I attempted to take a sick day, but it didn’t work out. Our policy is to text the supervisor if you need a sick day. I’m working from home today and no patient care was disrupted so I was going to take a sick day. I suffer from chronic depression and this past week has been hell, so I thought I could use today as a “mental health day”. I messaged my supervisor in the morning and she called right after asking what was wrong and said maybe I can just stay on until noon to see how I feel after. I had to lie and say I’m having a lot of chest congestion and she said she’d bring me some tea tomorrow. I know she’s really just trying to be helpful so that we save our sick days, but now I feel obligated to stay…

As the title says, I attempted to take a sick day, but it didn’t work out. Our policy is to text the supervisor if you need a sick day. I’m working from home today and no patient care was disrupted so I was going to take a sick day. I suffer from chronic depression and this past week has been hell, so I thought I could use today as a “mental health day”. I messaged my supervisor in the morning and she called right after asking what was wrong and said maybe I can just stay on until noon to see how I feel after. I had to lie and say I’m having a lot of chest congestion and she said she’d bring me some tea tomorrow. I know she’s really just trying to be helpful so that we save our sick days, but now I feel obligated to stay on for the day. I have over 40 days of sick leave to use and I’ve only taken a couple hours off at a time for doctors appointments. I figured one full day would be okay, I guess it’s not in my destiny. This is just a vent.

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