
I truly believe we are little more than slaves

I use the term wage slavery literally. I’m not trying to be shocking or use hyperbole. Being forced to work for decades is a form of slavery. Is it as bad as being chattel or human property? Of course not. Is it similar? Yep. The only difference is we have the freedom to starve to death on the streets whenever we want. Emancipated slaves also agreed. Frederick Douglass said that wage slavery was, ‘only slightly less galling and crushing as being in chains’. Sorry if this offended anyone.

I use the term wage slavery literally.

I’m not trying to be shocking or use hyperbole. Being forced to work for decades is a form of slavery.

Is it as bad as being chattel or human property? Of course not.

Is it similar? Yep.

The only difference is we have the freedom to starve to death on the streets whenever we want.

Emancipated slaves also agreed. Frederick Douglass said that wage slavery was, ‘only slightly less galling and crushing as being in chains’.

Sorry if this offended anyone.

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