
I turned down a job offer 2 weeks ago. I just got put on a PIP today that’s quite literally impossible to achieve. How do I go back to the other company and beg for the job I turned down?

At this point, I'm ready to just quit. They've assigned me insane tasks which must be completed by July 1 or I'm out. I turned down an offer at a competitor for the exact same role, just 2 weeks ago. I did not burn any bridges.. in fact, they said they'd consider me for a new role they're introducing in the next few weeks and I got an email yesterday stating that the role should be published in the next few days. But at this point, a bird in hand is better than two in the bush. I need a job. How do I go back to them, tail between legs, and ask if they've filled the role they offered me a few weeks ago? I rejected it because they didn't offer me as much as I was making. So taking this job, it would be a paycut, but the…

At this point, I'm ready to just quit. They've assigned me insane tasks which must be completed by July 1 or I'm out. I turned down an offer at a competitor for the exact same role, just 2 weeks ago. I did not burn any bridges.. in fact, they said they'd consider me for a new role they're introducing in the next few weeks and I got an email yesterday stating that the role should be published in the next few days.

But at this point, a bird in hand is better than two in the bush. I need a job. How do I go back to them, tail between legs, and ask if they've filled the role they offered me a few weeks ago?

I rejected it because they didn't offer me as much as I was making. So taking this job, it would be a paycut, but the company seems awesome, and the amount they offered me was just ever-so-slightly less. I rejected it simply because why would I leave for less money?

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