
I understand your frustrations, but you shouldn’t act in such a way that burdens your coworkers.

TLDR at the bottom. I am a long time lurker that definitely went from minor grumblings against the system we live in to wanting it to be burned to the ground to start a new. My eyes have opened to the BS that is capitalism and corporatism and I share a lot of the frustrations most everyone here has. With that said I work for a major corporation. Well, I work for a company that was bought out by a large corporation and is being changed from a “mom and pop” into just another fortune 500 company. I always roll my eyes when I hear corporate expressions and make sure I don't really pay attention to the dozens of pointless meetings I have every week because otherwise I wouldn't have enough time to do my work that I get paid pennies for… I am not blind to the injustices of…

TLDR at the bottom.

I am a long time lurker that definitely went from minor grumblings against the system we live in to wanting it to be burned to the ground to start a new. My eyes have opened to the BS that is capitalism and corporatism and I share a lot of the frustrations most everyone here has.

With that said I work for a major corporation. Well, I work for a company that was bought out by a large corporation and is being changed from a “mom and pop” into just another fortune 500 company. I always roll my eyes when I hear corporate expressions and make sure I don't really pay attention to the dozens of pointless meetings I have every week because otherwise I wouldn't have enough time to do my work that I get paid pennies for…

I am not blind to the injustices of the corporate world and this company is not unlike the others, despite them sporting a progressive image.

With that said, I still do my job to the best of my ability and try to do right by my clients and coworkers. I keep team leaders and management at arms length and make sure I look out for my coworkers whenever I can.

I have one person on my team that, to put it lightly, is very disgruntled. It is known that he is unhappy by just about everyone in our department (and we have 90 people in our department). I have made it a point to not interact with him as much as possible because I don't need his toxicity poisoning my workflow and making me bitter myself.

Anyway, today I was taking queue calls and one of his clients called in. I answer it and they start the conversation by screaming they want to talk to a supervisor. After 20 minutes of listening to them vent their frustrations and de-escalating the call (for which I should get a frickin raise), I document the call and reach out to a coworker I trust to give me advice.

This toxic coworker told this client that they shouldn't bother asking for a supervisor because they don't care, the reason why they are unhappy with how slow and terrible of experience they have had was because the politics and cheap technology the company is plagued with, and that they should leave a negative review in order to have a better experience next time. He also told them they shouldn't call him so much, and other things that you just never tell to a client or customer.

I had my own work to do that I had to set aside to deescalate this call and now I have another meeting with the department head to tell them what happened because word got to them. Apparently this guy gets at least 6 escalations a week.

I completely understand hating your job and wanting to vent your frustrations, just don't do it to a customer. That is trashy. And don't be such a terrible coworker that your toxicity and poor work ethic creates more burdens to your coworkers.

Fuck the system, not the workers.

Thank you for letting me rant. Have a great weekend!

tldr; take care of your shit and don't burden your coworkers that are struggling just like you by creating more work for them because you don't take care of your shit. We should be looking out for our coworkers, not making their lives harder. You hate your job? Take it up with the leadership.

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