
I walked off my job today.

Don’t worry. The pay was shit. The hours sucked. I took it 9 months ago because I just needed a job. I’ve been walking that tightrope of quitting for months now. Today was the last straw. A customer was trying to finagle a discount and I told her it was only for veterans. She started escalating. She walked to the MOD and complained. Know what the MOD did? He BLEW UP AT ME in front of her, yelling, “Just give her the discount!! Why make a big deal out of it?? JUST GIVE IT TO HER.” She took her cue from him and started yelling at me, “You’re a BITCH! I’m gonna tell your supervisor!” I grabbed the name tag on my shirt and said, “Here’s my name! My whole name, be sure to get it right when you complain!” She left, still screaming. I turned to the MOD ad said, “Why TF did…

Don’t worry. The pay was shit. The hours sucked. I took it 9 months ago because I just needed a job. I’ve been walking that tightrope of quitting for months now. Today was the last straw. A customer was trying to finagle a discount and I told her it was only for veterans. She started escalating. She walked to the MOD and complained. Know what the MOD did? He BLEW UP AT ME in front of her, yelling, “Just give her the discount!! Why make a big deal out of it?? JUST GIVE IT TO HER.”

She took her cue from him and started yelling at me, “You’re a BITCH! I’m gonna tell your supervisor!” I grabbed the name tag on my shirt and said, “Here’s my name! My whole name, be sure to get it right when you complain!”

She left, still screaming. I turned to the MOD ad said, “Why TF did you just do that in front of a customer??” He started yelling again, and I said, ‘FUCK THIS.” I grabbed my stuff, punched out, and left. And I’m not going back. 

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