
I walked out a little bit ago. Can’t take perceived sexism. Am male.

I don’t know where to begin I’m fuming. Very loyal to a small chain for several years. Only 2 people from when I was hired are left. Very relaxed environment. Very un-corporate. I get treated worse because I’m a man. The staff in our local area is mostly women. When I was hired it was because the owner reached out to someone I knew. That they really needed to hire guys because people are starting to question why they don’t hire men. I had a short phone interview and was hired on the spot. There was another man when I was working there but he quit several months into me being there. The boss there constantly reminds everyone I am not her hire. Constantly makes remarks about how inferior men are. About her current relationship is bad and how all guys are the same. How hot our delivery people are.…

I don’t know where to begin I’m fuming.

Very loyal to a small chain for several years.
Only 2 people from when I was hired are left.

Very relaxed environment. Very un-corporate.

I get treated worse because I’m a man. The staff in our local area is mostly women.

When I was hired it was because the owner reached out to someone I knew. That they really needed to hire guys because people are starting to question why they don’t hire men.

I had a short phone interview and was hired on the spot. There was another man when I was working there but he quit several months into me being there.

The boss there constantly reminds everyone I am not her hire. Constantly makes remarks about how inferior men are. About her current relationship is bad and how all guys are the same. How hot our delivery people are.

I block a lot out. I let a lot slide. Not just her. Everyone.

I don’t care who I work with. I just want people to do their job. Like, the bare minimum. Which they don’t.

My boss recently brought up with me as a negative was that I’m only here to work. But that she hired a guy so she “can’t be sexist.”

If she hires a man it’s only someone she’s attracted to after she sees if they have a Facebook. If they don’t, or if they’re “fugly” they aren’t considered. The previous man was also not her hire.

I asked my boss for three minutes of her time. Last week. She works everyday and not very hard with large gaps of downtime with her lounging, vaping, and gossiping.

I wanted to offer more availability and had a plan that could benefit us as we’re short staffed.

By the time I was on my last day of working that week she came up to me after I stayed as long as I could there without being late for my kids. I was half out the door and asked if I could please talk next week.

She said she had time now and she knew I didn’t. I said it has to wait til next week now. She said she’d remember.

I had my doubts. But she remembered. She said she’d get right to me after she finished what she was doing. Two hours passed since then and she had been chatting everyone up at least twice of the time I asked for.

She was also mumbling to a coworker and I heard my name and the coworker looked over at me so I’m sure the ignoring was planned to get me to react.

I go in on days off to help make days coming back from the weekend easier on people. I’ve literally stopped two gas leaks and and a flood from our faulty water heater. I constantly do more so everyone around me can do their job easier. I want that place to succeed.

But not for this cost. I’m sick of being treated like this. I’ve held back my frustrations so many times that my brain hurt for hours.

I can’t do this to myself. It’s destroying me mentally. I can’t let that affect my family so I left today. I was feeling terrible and was only toughing it out so I could get my three minutes.

Just waiting for a text or a call. It’s been an hour so I’m sure they know, don’t care, and probably planned this.

What bothers me is why. I’m just there to work. I don’t hate anyone there. All of my ideas get ignored. I relayed some to another worker and the manager loved the idea.

I’ve been told if I want to get paid more I need to show it. I can’t give more than going in on days off or risking child neglect.

I literally just want to make money for my family. That’s it. I just don’t get it.

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