
I walked out of a job for the first time in my life

I (26M) arrived at my workplace 2 minutes before my shift starts. I realised that all my spare parts were gone( I do electronics repairs), usually this happens when there is an audit, company prides itself on it's 97% pass rate for device tests, in reality it's 80% or more depending on the device, so when there is an audit I get to pretend that I'm working without doing so. Never bothered me because I still get paid. Today, production director comes up to me and asks me to repair some devices, after looking at them I calmly explain that some parts need to be replaced, and why. The guy has no idea about electronics, this isn't usually a problem, I usually explain what needs to be done and how long it will take me. Today was not his day, he starts panicking, I caught up on the fact that…

I (26M) arrived at my workplace 2 minutes before my shift starts. I realised that all my spare parts were gone( I do electronics repairs), usually this happens when there is an audit, company prides itself on it's 97% pass rate for device tests, in reality it's 80% or more depending on the device, so when there is an audit I get to pretend that I'm working without doing so. Never bothered me because I still get paid. Today, production director comes up to me and asks me to repair some devices, after looking at them I calmly explain that some parts need to be replaced, and why. The guy has no idea about electronics, this isn't usually a problem, I usually explain what needs to be done and how long it will take me. Today was not his day, he starts panicking, I caught up on the fact that the client finally picked up on the lie, really wanted to help him out and I asked for some spare parts or even faulty products from where I could transplant some components. He would not have it, he thinks there is some short between some pins, but there isn't, he either can't understand or won't. At this point I told him that nothing can be done without spare parts. He lost it basically, started a rant about how I'm always asking for something, either I don't like the chair or it is too hot. For the first time in my work life I lost it too, and started going about illegal work conditions and lack of leadership, then I left. There is none left with knowledge to do those repairs. I'm not happy about but needed to be done. You can't ask me to lie and pretend I'm working and then ask me to work without the means to do so. Tomorrow morning I will speak to HR, pretty sure I'm gonna quit.

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