
I wanna quit my full time job, get a bunch of student loans and go back to college full time to finish my degree I started 10 years ago!

I know student loan debt is a bad idea but I honestly couldn't care less lol. I hate my job. I happened into worker in the Home health/ Medical industy and now it's been almost 10 years and I've been a Medical Record Coordinator for 7 years now. it's so tedious and boring while somehow being so stressful. I would happily give my work experience to someone else who wanted it and start over with zero work experience. I've been 15 credits away from an Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Anthropology for 10 years! The plan was to transfer to a university to get a bachelor's and maybe a masters but I had to quit because I had to work full time. Alot of companies bost about tuition reimbursement but the degree usually has to be in a similar field you work in and WHO HAS FUCKING TIME TO GO…

I know student loan debt is a bad idea but I honestly couldn't care less lol. I hate my job. I happened into worker in the Home health/ Medical industy and now it's been almost 10 years and I've been a Medical Record Coordinator for 7 years now. it's so tedious and boring while somehow being so stressful. I would happily give my work experience to someone else who wanted it and start over with zero work experience.

I've been 15 credits away from an Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Anthropology for 10 years! The plan was to transfer to a university to get a bachelor's and maybe a masters but I had to quit because I had to work full time. Alot of companies bost about tuition reimbursement but the degree usually has to be in a similar field you work in and WHO HAS FUCKING TIME TO GO TO COLLEGE WHILE WORKING AN OFFICE JOB!? only management team could since they are salary. My job doesn't have part time work so I really just wanna quit. I'm 33 and I want to do something I actually am interested in. I need out of medical shit. Idc at all about what I do except arguing with idiots who don't know how HIPAA actually works is fun lol.

I have job security but idc, I'm not money driven, I DON'T CARE! I just wanna do something fun and uncommon damnit! Something that I'm able to make decent money living off of. I even know if I want to have an anthropology degree lol but I want to atleast finish it. 15 credits is a fuckikg semester but if I work full time then it's easily a whole school year and that makes me wanna pinch a wall lol. I'm ranting I know but has anyone ever done this before? Idk if I could even get student loans enough to pay livingd expenses for a whole semester or year.

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