
i want like the traditional american marriage

I want to make enough money that my partner doesn't have to work, and can do something they enjoy. In my eyes work is fucking horrible, and if me working means my partner doesn't need to be subjected to it, I don't know why they should. Every time I sit down to do my work I want to claw my eyes out from out my head, so my goal in life is really to be able to spare the person I love that pain.

I want to make enough money that my partner doesn't have to work, and can do something they enjoy. In my eyes work is fucking horrible, and if me working means my partner doesn't need to be subjected to it, I don't know why they should. Every time I sit down to do my work I want to claw my eyes out from out my head, so my goal in life is really to be able to spare the person I love that pain.

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