
I Want To Know If I Did The Right Thing (manager)

TL;DR at the bottom Last Friday, I (R) had a colleague (F) ask me if I was hiring. I was, desperately. I had just fired my whole staff for getting into a fist fight over a girl, at work, in front of customers, during the lunch rush. Customers saw, some were taking videos. A customer asked me if I wanted them to call the cops. I told them no, because I did not want to get Chicago cops invovled over two young black men fighting, especially since I knew they both had priors and one was still dealing with their PO. But, after it was broken up, a second fight started in front of other managers. I don't feel like I had a choice but to let them all go. Last Friday, F told me they were “sponsoring” a person that needed a job. When I asked what that meant,…

TL;DR at the bottom

Last Friday, I (R) had a colleague (F) ask me if I was hiring. I was, desperately. I had just fired my whole staff for getting into a fist fight over a girl, at work, in front of customers, during the lunch rush. Customers saw, some were taking videos.

A customer asked me if I wanted them to call the cops. I told them no, because I did not want to get Chicago cops invovled over two young black men fighting, especially since I knew they both had priors and one was still dealing with their PO. But, after it was broken up, a second fight started in front of other managers. I don't feel like I had a choice but to let them all go.

Last Friday, F told me they were “sponsoring” a person that needed a job. When I asked what that meant, F was basically letting this person (J) stay at their house until they could figure this out.

I have absolutely fallen on hard times, and only made it thru because of the kindness of people. I wanted to return that favor to the world, and wanted to help J. I set up an interview for that Monday.

On Monday, I have the interview with J. They (24) tell me they had came out to their family in Iowa, and were basically disowned by all of them, took everything they have, moved to Chicago. Now I REALLY want to help this person.

J interviewed fine on Monday, had a decent enough resume. J told me they could start of Tuesday. They asked for $16 an hour, I paid $31/hour, plus paid break, free lunch, concert tickets, discounts across Chicago restaurants, many other benefits. J started on Tuesday.

They show up at 7, waited until 11 to tell me they have a doctor's appointment and need to leave at 2. This was fine with me, but I did wonder why they didn't mention it yesterday, or during the four hours we worked together.

Around noon, they take a phone call and tell me it's the doctor asking them to come in early; which I don't believe has ever happened in the history of doctor's appointments. But, I said “that's fine, go right ahead and leave.”

They call out on Wednesday, their second day, three minutes before their shift begins. I ask them to let me know how they feel and what is happening with their shift tomorrow. They never reply, but show up on Thursday, They come in, without so much as an apology, note, or an explanation. Work the full day.

Yesterday, I get a call saying that J isn't feeling well because of new medication, and they will be five-ten minutes late. They show up, head to the bathroom. J says they threw up and are leaving.

I ended up terminating J, because they had been employed for four days, missed two of them, and left early on one.

I really wanted to help this person, but I didn't feel like I could keep them on with what was already a serious attendance issue, and it wouldn't be fair to the other employees.

But I know J has two weeks left to stay at F's house. And then, they won't have a place to live in this city and can't go back home.

Someone please tell me I did the right thing.

Tl;DR: I tried to give someone a job because they werw disowned by their family after they came out. In four days, they called out twice and left early once. I termed them and need to know that was the right call.

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