
I want to make paid websites and services free for everyone to use

For example, right now I am building a website that builds resumes for free. I've looked and never found a good resume designer that's free or doesn't add a watermark (feel free to link me to one if it exists outside of Word and Google Docs). My app will allow users to put their information in, it will form the pdf for them, preview it and then they can download it for free. I will not charge them and I will not put stupid watermarks on their resume. Now you might be thinking, how is this antiwork? Well, my thought process is, if I can drive away the competition with mine that offers a better and free option then that is antiwork. It takes away from businesses that are charging customers for something that (in my opinion) should be free. In return I don't expect anything, why? Because I can…

For example, right now I am building a website that builds resumes for free. I've looked and never found a good resume designer that's free or doesn't add a watermark (feel free to link me to one if it exists outside of Word and Google Docs). My app will allow users to put their information in, it will form the pdf for them, preview it and then they can download it for free. I will not charge them and I will not put stupid watermarks on their resume.

Now you might be thinking, how is this antiwork? Well, my thought process is, if I can drive away the competition with mine that offers a better and free option then that is antiwork. It takes away from businesses that are charging customers for something that (in my opinion) should be free. In return I don't expect anything, why? Because I can and am hosting this website for literally chump change. In addition, it helps me build my professional developer portfolio and it provides a service to others and myself.

In the future, I want to be the next GIMP which if you don't know is freeware that allows users to manipulate images much like Photoshop. I want to build so much freeware that the premium software becomes obsolete and useless. I honestly don't know why I wanted to share this but is how I want to help end working more by making the little things more convenient.

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