
I want to quit a month into my latest job.

Hi guys, so I've been a quiet lurker in this sub for a while but today I feel lost and really think this a space where maybe I can read something that helps me clear my head. So I'm an architect, or about to be, I'm in my last year working on my bachelor's. I've had other jobs before and one in particular with an Architect I've known forever. I stopped working for her because she gave some insight on my future and told me it was better to get my degree and then start working, other wise I could very well be part of all those who come out of school and never get their degree. I listened to her advice because it's a dear mentor for me. Anyway I was just 6 months unemployed. For reasons concerning life I needed a job, and I knew it couldn't be…

Hi guys, so I've been a quiet lurker in this sub for a while but today I feel lost and really think this a space where maybe I can read something that helps me clear my head.

So I'm an architect, or about to be, I'm in my last year working on my bachelor's. I've had other jobs before and one in particular with an Architect I've known forever. I stopped working for her because she gave some insight on my future and told me it was better to get my degree and then start working, other wise I could very well be part of all those who come out of school and never get their degree.

I listened to her advice because it's a dear mentor for me. Anyway I was just 6 months unemployed. For reasons concerning life I needed a job, and I knew it couldn't be with her until I finish school so I started looking around and landed this position as overseer in manteinance works in stores for a supermarket chain.

Everyone was nice and the introduction was great. Two weeks in I had an incident with the manager of the office.
Working in the architecture industry, if you can call it that, you learn to work in a very tight formally defined schedule: almost everything must be delivered, turned in or made with an specific date, otherwise it doesn't work. That's the way I learned. If we must paint the storefront I have to have my work order, know how many workers are going, if they're bringing tools with them or the store maintenance department will hand them.

The issue was that the way she try to schedule things: sending information incomplete or not at all, wrong addresses, sending shifts at the last minute or really not at all. I wasn't comfortable working this way because it interfered with my school obligations, obligations I clearly put on the table the day of the interview and that the office was OK with so when it started to get into my other activities I tried to explain to her that it was affecting my other obligations. She didn't really listen and suddenly she became very rude, saying that this ought to be my priority because they gave the privilege to earn a living (the audacity…)

So instead of arguing with her I turned to the head of the office, the Engineer in charge, explained to him what was going on and he seemed to really don't care, his attitude was more of a “Sort this yourselves”. If anything, speaking out just made her resent me more and we've had issues and on top of that all of the sudden I'm conviniently scheduled to go to the farthest stores and instead of giving me the normal 2-3 days to make my report, they're all urgent now and must sent them the same day.

Yesterday was the last straw and I couldn't take it anymore as at the end of my shift, after visiting two stores really far one from another she called me to go to to a store in the outskirts of the city, knowing damn well I had to work on my project due for today. She started yelling and just told her I couldn't't go there trying to be calm but I couldn't, I started to talk loud as well. She was at the office with the resto of the team listening how she was trying to belittle me, but stood my ground.

Today she started our day in a great way: sending false accusations of how I turn in my reports out of time and telling me that she'll handle my shifts and assignments directly, starting with working both days of the weekend from 8-16, with full knowledge that I still must use the weekend to get my school assignments in order.

I confronted her in the group chat, where she sent all of this, ingeniously expecting some sort of support from the head engineer but instead he told me that I should be more efficient according to what she has reported to him.

I fell betrayed. Devastated in the sense that I didn't listen to my mentor knowing she was right and nowhere else they would take the same considerations she had while working alongside her.

I really don't know what to do. I feel like I don't want to throw the towel but at the same time my gf and my parents have told me I'm to close in getting my degree and I know if I get it, better things are on the horizon.

Edit: wow sorry for the long ass post lol

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