
I want to quit my first ever job but I have regrets

I've been at this job 2 months, I've been having issues with a coworker treating me unfairly compared to other coworkers (see previous post here), and I spoke to my bosses and was essentially told I'm overreacting and taking things too personally. I'm at my wits end and I want to quit. I have no back up job, I only have 800$ saved from my paychecks, and i genuinely love the work i do and the people i work for (housekeeping at a retirement community). I dont want to work somewhere where the people I work with make me feel unwanted. I'm at a loss for what to do.

I've been at this job 2 months, I've been having issues with a coworker treating me unfairly compared to other coworkers (see previous post here), and I spoke to my bosses and was essentially told I'm overreacting and taking things too personally.
I'm at my wits end and I want to quit. I have no back up job, I only have 800$ saved from my paychecks, and i genuinely love the work i do and the people i work for (housekeeping at a retirement community).
I dont want to work somewhere where the people I work with make me feel unwanted. I'm at a loss for what to do.

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