
I want to quit my job but I misplaced a paycheck and need to get it reissued.

I mentioned that I misplaced my paycheck to my manager and told him I would look for it. I have, and I cannot find it. I am going to ask for it to be reissued tomorrow. Should I wait until I get my reissued paycheck in my hand until give them my two week resignation? I don't want to wait that long. I have a low paying job that affects my mental health negatively and I want to quit as soon as I possibly can. What should I do?

I mentioned that I misplaced my paycheck to my manager and told him I would look for it. I have, and I cannot find it. I am going to ask for it to be reissued tomorrow. Should I wait until I get my reissued paycheck in my hand until give them my two week resignation? I don't want to wait that long. I have a low paying job that affects my mental health negatively and I want to quit as soon as I possibly can. What should I do?

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