
I want to shorten my hours

I feel bad because I haven’t been working at my new job for long and I already feel like shortening my hours. I been working as a dishwasher at my new job for 2 months. There’s a lot of benefits with the job and this is a job I work in between school and I only work 4-5 days a week (which doesn’t sound bad) but each day I work late shifts up until 3 in the morning sometimes. Some shifts are close to 12 hours but on average 7-8 but these shifts are becoming overwhelming and I feel like I never have time to do anything because every time I go into work its the entire rest of the day for me. And on the days I have off, I either have class and when I don’t have class I’m sleeping because I’m tired from work. The job made…

I feel bad because I haven’t been working at my new job for long and I already feel like shortening my hours. I been working as a dishwasher at my new job for 2 months. There’s a lot of benefits with the job and this is a job I work in between school and I only work 4-5 days a week (which doesn’t sound bad) but each day I work late shifts up until 3 in the morning sometimes. Some shifts are close to 12 hours but on average 7-8 but these shifts are becoming overwhelming and I feel like I never have time to do anything because every time I go into work its the entire rest of the day for me. And on the days I have off, I either have class and when I don’t have class I’m sleeping because I’m tired from work. The job made me sacrifice my weekends so it’s really hard to balance quality time with family and friends. I don’t have time to go to the gym or focus on other things since these shifts take up my whole days and whole nights. I feel bad because I want to ask for an extra day off so instead of 4-5 days a week it’ll be 3-4 that way I have more time to balance school, work, social life, etc. I also want to speak about my Sunday shifts because on Saturdays I work till 3am and have to go in the next day from 1pm to 1am and that shift is killing me to just wash dishes for that long is exhausting. I really need some rest and to balance out everything for my mental. If these shifts didn’t end so late every time, I’d be ok but I just feel like I don’t have enough time anymore. I want to tell them this but I’m afraid to upset them because the people at my job are nice but I’m afraid.

Also I’d like to add that I’m the only dishwasher who works these hours. All the other dishwashers work 2-3 days a week with way shorter hours. They have shifts that end at 10 but all mine end past 1am.

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