
I want to tell my supervisor I feel overworked and underpaid.

I have a meeting with my supervisor tomorrow. I suck at having conversations due to my social anxiety but I really want to get this feeling off my chest. I’ve only been at this job for about 7 months and within that time frame I’ve been assigned new duties on top of my regular duties. Let me give you all some details. I started at $13 at the front desk of a medical office as a patient advocate. I schedule, answer phone calls (patients, attorneys, medical providers), transfer calls, check in, check out, and all that jazz. Now I do that on top of working on subpoenas and records request which are very time consuming and have deadlines. My extra duties were assigned after about my 5th month. At this same time, my supervisor let all of my other coworkers know that they would be assigning new duties to them…

I have a meeting with my supervisor tomorrow. I suck at having conversations due to my social anxiety but I really want to get this feeling off my chest.

I’ve only been at this job for about 7 months and within that time frame I’ve been assigned new duties on top of my regular duties. Let me give you all some details.

I started at $13 at the front desk of a medical office as a patient advocate. I schedule, answer phone calls (patients, attorneys, medical providers), transfer calls, check in, check out, and all that jazz. Now I do that on top of working on subpoenas and records request which are very time consuming and have deadlines.

My extra duties were assigned after about my 5th month. At this same time, my supervisor let all of my other coworkers know that they would be assigning new duties to them as well so that they could also “grow financially.”

Great, we all got 50% percent more work and we got a “raise” of .50 but, now there was only 3 of us. So, with 50% more work added and one less person it became really overwhelming. (Also, raise is in quotations because of inflation. We technically didn’t get a raise if you ask my bills.)

I‘ve expressed feeling overwhelmed before with my supervisor but they just brushed it off and figured I was overwhelmed due to my anxiety and home life. They told me they didn’t know how to help me and suggested I seek therapy. I mentioned it being helpful to have an extra person working with us since we were all falling behind due to our new responsibilities. My coworkers actually mentioned the same thing and they were told we wouldn’t be getting anyone new any time soon.

Anyways yea. I’m quite overwhelmed with the amount of work I have and truthfully can’t seem to find motivation to keep working to my full potential. There also doesn’t seem to be room for financial growth so what’s the point?

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