
I want to tell you all about stenography

Stenography is a method of shorthand writing, using a stenography machine, which is a 22 character machine used to record transcripts of court proceedings as well as depositions. Also used for live closed captioning. Someone was using a stenography machine for the Jan 6th hearings yesterday, I saw them making stenography related errors in the captions, and writing arbitraries for relevant stuff. Can work from home or in courts or drive around to new places to meet up with lawyers for depositions. Lots of opportunity abroad as English is still the language of business and likely will be relevant for the rest of our lives. Pay is extremely good as stenographers are in short supply. Expect $45k-100k + court appearance fees + copy fees. Some people make $150k+. Online pay ranges for this field are inaccurate, ask professionals instead. I also like how you don't really have to deal with…

Stenography is a method of shorthand writing, using a stenography machine, which is a 22 character machine used to record transcripts of court proceedings as well as depositions. Also used for live closed captioning. Someone was using a stenography machine for the Jan 6th hearings yesterday, I saw them making stenography related errors in the captions, and writing arbitraries for relevant stuff.

Can work from home or in courts or drive around to new places to meet up with lawyers for depositions. Lots of opportunity abroad as English is still the language of business and likely will be relevant for the rest of our lives.

Pay is extremely good as stenographers are in short supply. Expect $45k-100k + court appearance fees + copy fees. Some people make $150k+. Online pay ranges for this field are inaccurate, ask professionals instead. I also like how you don't really have to deal with people, you just show up and do your shit. No boss hanging over your head. No co-workers that know anything about your job.

School can be completed in as little as 1-2yrs if you are very motivated. Some spend 5+. It's a skill that you develop. If you are good at videogames or playing instruments, that will help.

To give an example of writing: If I wanted to write “MOM” I would hit 5 keys all at once, with 3 fingers, in one stroke. PH O PL.

I could also set a 'brief' or 'arbitrary' for a phrase. Like, 'President of the United States' could be done with 3 keys, 3 fingers, 1 stroke. P U S. That would save A LOT of time if I were captioning the 6th trial.

It's easier on the wrists than a QWERTY. Takes a lot of skill and memorization. Its hard work. But at the end, you have a really easy, really in demand job, that pays well. If you are good with words, and good with finding patterns, its something to consider.

If you cannot afford classes or a machine, check out PLOVER. You only need an N-key rollover keyboard (gaming keyboard) to try it out.

There are some fears that technology will eventually take over the need for this role, but AI is nowhere near intelligent enough. Nobody wants Siri interrupting court proceedings because someone mumbled an answer. AI is really bad with accents and special names as well, and doesn't handle stuttering or multiple people talking at once very easily. The job requires 100% accuracy and is definitely for perfectionist.

No degree. Only a certification with the national association of court reporters, who requires you to get to a speed of 225wpm, faster than any QWERTY writer in the world.

I'm merely a student but I've been doing this for the past 6mo. Ask me anything whatsoever.

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