
I want to thank you all for opening my eyes.

I used to think like some of those hardcore conservatives/boomers (whatever name suits them best) and believed that if I worked hard enough and put in the extra time, I'd be successful regardless of what everyone may say. I was even against what those hateful old boomers call “free handouts.” I was born and rasied to think that you need to slave away and enjoy life later when you retire, when your old and feeble. Little did I know that this country is quickly on its way to self-destruction and I can see that the problems keep stacking up, they arent going away anytime soon. I now know that my way of thinking was really dumb and am so glad that I was more open-minded before I grew old and stayed in my ways. I didnt really open my eyes until I came across this sub reddit and the few…

I used to think like some of those hardcore conservatives/boomers (whatever name suits them best) and believed that if I worked hard enough and put in the extra time, I'd be successful regardless of what everyone may say. I was even against what those hateful old boomers call “free handouts.” I was born and rasied to think that you need to slave away and enjoy life later when you retire, when your old and feeble.

Little did I know that this country is quickly on its way to self-destruction and I can see that the problems keep stacking up, they arent going away anytime soon. I now know that my way of thinking was really dumb and am so glad that I was more open-minded before I grew old and stayed in my ways.

I didnt really open my eyes until I came across this sub reddit and the few that are similar to it. The ones that really dive deep into America's problems and how they explain that this country truly does feed on its poor inhabitants. I hate politics but it seems thats where our problems mostly begin and I see now that it truly is the poor vs. the rich. It's insanity!

I honestly don't know how people can sit back and not think that there isn't something wrong with this country, especially with the fast increasing of inflation and prices while we slave away for scraps! That's why no matter what job I do from now on, I will do what's needed and that's it. No more will I go above and beyond, because I'm worth so much more then the bottom of the barrel.

Sorry if this post has many grammar errors and spelling errors, I'm posting from my phone. Thank you all for what you do and I hope to see some change in the future!

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