
I WANT TO WORK!!! A rant on job seeking.

I’m so tired of seeing bullshit boomers say no one wants to work…. I left a job to start a “better” one. Was promptly fired after two weeks for not being a good fit and given severance. I’ve applied for unemployment and food stamps, but that is a frustrating cat and mouse game trying to get people on the phone. I had to go file for forbearance for my mortgage. I’ve been applying EVERYWHERE. Career Source, Indeed, LinkedIn… I have had over five interviews in the last month, with none of them going anywhere! I’m qualified in my field. I have two degrees. I WANT TO WORK!!!! Many of the jobs I’ve been seeing online give shit pay for someone to perform what should be two separate positions. $14 for a digital marketing manager and you want 4+ years of experience? $35,000 for a position that requires a four year…

I’m so tired of seeing bullshit boomers say no one wants to work….

I left a job to start a “better” one. Was promptly fired after two weeks for not being a good fit and given severance.

I’ve applied for unemployment and food stamps, but that is a frustrating cat and mouse game trying to get people on the phone. I had to go file for forbearance for my mortgage.

I’ve been applying EVERYWHERE. Career Source, Indeed, LinkedIn… I have had over five interviews in the last month, with none of them going anywhere! I’m qualified in my field. I have two degrees. I WANT TO WORK!!!!

Many of the jobs I’ve been seeing online give shit pay for someone to perform what should be two separate positions. $14 for a digital marketing manager and you want 4+ years of experience? $35,000 for a position that requires a four year degree? I refuse to settle for that when I have climbed the latter and was previously being paid $52,000.

Suck my dick, employers.

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