
I was asked to sign an arbitration agreement BUT

I've worked at this restaurant chain as a cashier for 5 months, part-time. A couple weeks ago, my manager on duty told me that I was not guaranteed a break to eat on busy shifts after I asked for a break. I told her under Oregon law I am required to take a 10 minute break for every 4 hours worked (my shifts are 5 hours). She argued with me and I knew I was right but didn't know what to do about it so I kept working. I did end up getting my break, and she corrected herself over text after I had left and we discussed the matter. Everything was fine and I decided not to go above her head with it or quit as I am only working one day a week and need the extra cash. (I'm a full time student and this is my only…

I've worked at this restaurant chain as a cashier for 5 months, part-time. A couple weeks ago, my manager on duty told me that I was not guaranteed a break to eat on busy shifts after I asked for a break. I told her under Oregon law I am required to take a 10 minute break for every 4 hours worked (my shifts are 5 hours). She argued with me and I knew I was right but didn't know what to do about it so I kept working. I did end up getting my break, and she corrected herself over text after I had left and we discussed the matter. Everything was fine and I decided not to go above her head with it or quit as I am only working one day a week and need the extra cash. (I'm a full time student and this is my only job but I was already on the look out for something with more hours.) Today I was emailed a new arbitration agreement, with 10 days to sign or I will be terminated. I can't remember if I had signed a different one when I started, everything was done online through a portal and I can't access my onboarding documents through the site to be sure I did sign or to compare it to the new arbitration agreement. Regardless, I don't think I am comfortable signing it after that incident, which means I will be terminated. I'm wondering if anyone knows if I can file for unemployment for being terminated for not signing an arbitration agreement? Or if it's smart to just sign it and look for another job while I'm working considering the circumstances? I'm in Portland, Oregon. Thanks.

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