
I was denied lunch breaks and told my boss. His fix? Remove my lunch breaks entirely.

I work 6 hours a day five days a week, and where I live if you work six hours you get a lunch break. One of my managers has told me multiple times at work NOT to take my lunch break because I simply don't get one. I have tried explaining to this manager that it's the law that I get one, but they never give me a reason besides “No you don't”. Fine. I went to my boss about this and told him about my manager not giving me my required breaks, and he said he would talk to the manager and handle it. Woke up this morning to see my schedule has been completely changed from working six hours a day to five hours and 45 minutes a day. Are you serious? I called him instantly and told him to change my schedule back, and he told me…

I work 6 hours a day five days a week, and where I live if you work six hours you get a lunch break. One of my managers has told me multiple times at work NOT to take my lunch break because I simply don't get one. I have tried explaining to this manager that it's the law that I get one, but they never give me a reason besides “No you don't”. Fine. I went to my boss about this and told him about my manager not giving me my required breaks, and he said he would talk to the manager and handle it.

Woke up this morning to see my schedule has been completely changed from working six hours a day to five hours and 45 minutes a day. Are you serious? I called him instantly and told him to change my schedule back, and he told me he could not and that it had nothing to do with my lunch break issue I had brought up (WTF) but that he was just making schedule adjustments that were necessary and he apologizes if one of the results of the schedule change is that I lose my lunch breaks. Is this even legal? I'm absolutely livid.

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