
I was fired after putting in my 2 weeks notice

I started at this company as a full time bus driver and eventually was offered more money to be a parts specialist who just kind of answers calls and sells parts. Well I still had my CDL and would take on overtime driving when needed. I told them I’d renew my CDL if they paid for it and they declined so I didn’t renew as I didn’t like the driving part of my job anyway. I knew I didn’t like the company and how bad they were at communicating as well as they did threaten to fire me for not wanting to accept overtime. Well, put my 2 week notice in and 20 mins later they called me in and fired me. Now this Friday they have 2 people working in my department. 1 is new as of last week and 1 started 6 months ago. Good riddance

I started at this company as a full time bus driver and eventually was offered more money to be a parts specialist who just kind of answers calls and sells parts. Well I still had my CDL and would take on overtime driving when needed. I told them I’d renew my CDL if they paid for it and they declined so I didn’t renew as I didn’t like the driving part of my job anyway. I knew I didn’t like the company and how bad they were at communicating as well as they did threaten to fire me for not wanting to accept overtime. Well, put my 2 week notice in and 20 mins later they called me in and fired me. Now this Friday they have 2 people working in my department. 1 is new as of last week and 1 started 6 months ago. Good riddance

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