
I was fired for “disrespect of management”

My operations manager hired a minor without permits and venmoed him under the table and then had me fudge the hours to make it look like he only worked once we had said permits so I reported him to the owner of the company along with multiple racist texts of his, complaints about individuals that had nothing to do with our work. The owner came in yesterday and spoke with him and the kitchen manager, at the end of our day he told me I was fired for “disrespect” and once we started to walk out he told me that he honestly didn’t expect me to handle this with so much professionalism and that he figured I’d “freak out” and that he (sarcastically) “wishes me the best”. Every single member of my staff came forward in our work group chats and spoke out about their disappointment and the companies choice…

My operations manager hired a minor without permits and venmoed him under the table and then had me fudge the hours to make it look like he only worked once we had said permits so I reported him to the owner of the company along with multiple racist texts of his, complaints about individuals that had nothing to do with our work.

The owner came in yesterday and spoke with him and the kitchen manager, at the end of our day he told me I was fired for “disrespect” and once we started to walk out he told me that he honestly didn’t expect me to handle this with so much professionalism and that he figured I’d “freak out” and that he (sarcastically) “wishes me the best”.

Every single member of my staff came forward in our work group chats and spoke out about their disappointment and the companies choice to let me go.

The owner still stood by this.

Last night all of us got together and made dinner and discussed our options. Our stores are not even open yet, all of this is foundational yet the company is shooting itself in the foot already.

We are discussing a protest/walk out in response.

Something that rhymes with the name of the company will be put in the comments.

Fuck companies that take advantage of low pay laborers. I hope that you all find jobs that support and love you for you, tired of this industry and it’s treatment / overworking / underpaying of staff.

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