
I was fired twice in a row and I feel like my life is destroyed

Looking for advice and an outside perspective: I was fired two days ago (worked a total of 1 yr 6 mo) and given a very vague reason as to why. Something about how I wasn't a good fit and the skills were not what was needed going forward. It was out of the blue, I had no warning. I loved the job so much and was doing everything that was asked of me. I made some mistakes but everyone does. I produced quality work and met my deadlines. I was very kind and brought energy and enthusiasm to work. While thinking of the possible causes as to why, I came up with these probabilities: 1. I recently made a mistake in a project that cause the client to get really upset. This was due to a misunderstanding in email communication 2. It took them over a year to train me…

Looking for advice and an outside perspective:

I was fired two days ago (worked a total of 1 yr 6 mo) and given a very vague reason as to why. Something about how I wasn't a good fit and the skills were not what was needed going forward. It was out of the blue, I had no warning. I loved the job so much and was doing everything that was asked of me. I made some mistakes but everyone does. I produced quality work and met my deadlines. I was very kind and brought energy and enthusiasm to work.

While thinking of the possible causes as to why, I came up with these probabilities:
1. I recently made a mistake in a project that cause the client to get really upset. This was due to a misunderstanding in email communication
2. It took them over a year to train me in my job, while for the newer employees it has only taken them 6 months to train. This was due to no fault of my own, but them not having time to train me when I was originally hired (kept saying they were too busy so I basically was left in the dust). Then I got a new manager so he probably compared the time it took to train me to these new people and determined I therefore must be incompetent to have taken so long getting up to speed
3. Two of my trainers constantly belittled me and took over my projects. One of them would insert herself in my project as my 'tutor', and if I complained about her doing this I would get reprimanded for not being teachable, even though I could easily do these things myself. She kept playing it off as “oh this is so hard” when really it was super easy and I was infuriated I had to listen to her “teach me” for hours and hours while being unable to interrupt or tell her to let me do my own work. The other trainer would also step in and just take over and do things for me. They probably reported this to the boss who then thought I was incompetent
4. I reported my manager to HR once. Yep. That probably put a target on my back.

The same thing happened last time I was fired (was only there for 3 months – reported my manager and then she got my fired without warning while I was performing really well)

It really just sucks because they didn't give me a chance and if you read what actually happened or give me a say, you'd realize the truth. But they didn't give me any chance to explain or anything. I feel like my future in this field (programming) is ruined.

In addition, I am the sole provider for myself and my husband. He just started law school and we moved across the country depleting our savings and it was on me to provide so that he could get his law degree. Two months in, and we are screwed. He said he might have to drop out of law school if i don't get another job fast. I'm applying for unemployment. I feel like this not only ruined my dreams of working at that company forever but his dreams as well.

Making matters worse, most of the skills I learned at my company aren't transferrable because we used in house software and our own programming language. I feel like I don't qualify for anything now, yet alone not being able to get hired because they'll see how little experience I have and that I was fired twice. My degree is not even in computer science or any of the likes. I was self taught. So i feel like I've got nothing now.

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