
I was head of my department and proposing a promotion. And now they’re trying to fire me.

I’m having a hard time with this one. Usually when you leave a job or are planning on it, you have a plan outlined and you generally see it coming. A few months ago I started a “promotion plan” for a company that is now giving me a “first and last warning” for – reacting to bs comments on Slack with emojis (I have nothing to say about your personal business. Reacting with an emoji should suffice.) – “Not meeting expected KPI’s” although everyone in the department’s numbers have both fallen and CRASHED. We are still gaining but I have made the company $110k in my first 9 months. That’s less than half of what they’re paying me in a year. It wasn’t fucking on purpose. I was just better at my goddamn job than I expected. – we are short staffed and now I am looking for a replacement…

I’m having a hard time with this one. Usually when you leave a job or are planning on it, you have a plan outlined and you generally see it coming. A few months ago I started a “promotion plan” for a company that is now giving me a “first and last warning” for
– reacting to bs comments on Slack with emojis (I have nothing to say about your personal business. Reacting with an emoji should suffice.)
– “Not meeting expected KPI’s” although everyone in the department’s numbers have both fallen and CRASHED. We are still gaining but I have made the company $110k in my first 9 months. That’s less than half of what they’re paying me in a year. It wasn’t fucking on purpose. I was just better at my goddamn job than I expected.
– we are short staffed and now I am looking for a replacement job ASAP, even though their asses are losing a whole department when I leave.

I can’t believe they’d rather lose the last year of training than both pay me more. I had an invasive surgery and took a week off of work while working there. Healing took 3 fucking months.
This company got 2.5 MILLION in funding in the last year.
I literally cannot believe the position im in. The shit written on the form is a lie. I can literally discredit more than half of the points that my “supervisor” made on there.

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