
We super don’t know how to reach out to our coworkers

We're hoping this is appropriate and okay to post here (we will move this elsewhere or delete it if asked) but for now, some context: we always hear the older folks complain about how crappy things are these days with how PTO works, how paychecks are, how inflation is going, etc. Nobody in the younger generations (literally anyone our age or younger) knows what a union is. Some of them literally think just straight-up emailing corporate will make them listen to you and we have had to explain to a close friend why that wouldn't work, ever~ We work the front doors at a Walmart and are also getting pretty sick of how things are going. Like, it isn't an Amazon warehouse for sure, but we get the feeling it's still absolutely horrible here from some of the snippets of conversations we have caught. Oh, and also, that front door…

We're hoping this is appropriate and okay to post here (we will move this elsewhere or delete it if asked) but for now, some context: we always hear the older folks complain about how crappy things are these days with how PTO works, how paychecks are, how inflation is going, etc. Nobody in the younger generations (literally anyone our age or younger) knows what a union is. Some of them literally think just straight-up emailing corporate will make them listen to you and we have had to explain to a close friend why that wouldn't work, ever~

We work the front doors at a Walmart and are also getting pretty sick of how things are going. Like, it isn't an Amazon warehouse for sure, but we get the feeling it's still absolutely horrible here from some of the snippets of conversations we have caught.

Oh, and also, that front door thing is important because everyone else at the front door, minus one guy we talk to a lot, has either sided with the fascists or would glibly hand us over to corporate, and we're very obviously trying to avoid working with Qanon believers and also trying to avoid getting fired while we try to figure out how to do this. We have been told by a (slightly) more friendly human that even so much as saying “the u word” is grounds to be reported.

Good news? Uhm? We convinced a friend to start solely using Signal to communicate with us, we've been trying to move to that instead of Discord or smth anyways lol. We also have a mentor who has done some serious advocacy work before, but we feel like name-dropping would be extremely inappropriate so that's all we'll say on that.

Like, uhm…we're definitely going to write an email to coworker dot org asking the same thing if our annoying autismADHDbrain could hop to it, but since social media seems to give us The Brain Juices we figured we should also just ask for advice on it and make it useful.

Anyways: thanks folks! Anything is appreciated that isn't just “you're effed lol” especially advice around getting past this…roadblock? We would have liked at least three other folks on our side to work with before trying to ask either way but it just seems like that isn't gonna happen, unfortunately. :v

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