
I was hired for a 100% remote position…now I’m being told if I don’t come in once a week I’ll be fired

For context I live about 2 hours away from their office which I initially did not think was an issue since I would be working fully remote. Today I had a meeting with my boss and he said they are requiring people to come in once a week, and if that’s a dealbreaker, then he understands. I said yes unfortunately it is, it would increase my vehicle expenses by too much and I have pets that I would have to figure out a day care or other form of care for. I also brought up that initially I was told it would always be remote. He said that’s all fine, no hard feelings, just let him know when my last day will be. I was taken aback, I said oh it’s a dealbreaker as in I’ll be fired? He said yes, it’s a requirement and if I can’t meet it…

For context I live about 2 hours away from their office which I initially did not think was an issue since I would be working fully remote. Today I had a meeting with my boss and he said they are requiring people to come in once a week, and if that’s a dealbreaker, then he understands. I said yes unfortunately it is, it would increase my vehicle expenses by too much and I have pets that I would have to figure out a day care or other form of care for. I also brought up that initially I was told it would always be remote. He said that’s all fine, no hard feelings, just let him know when my last day will be. I was taken aback, I said oh it’s a dealbreaker as in I’ll be fired? He said yes, it’s a requirement and if I can’t meet it I’ll be fired. He was strongly pushing me to quit and I told him I didn’t intend to quit. He said if it’s unemployment I’m concerned with that is fine, they will fire me if I prefer.

Also important context is that his niece works for the company and lives out state. He specifically told me if he makes an exception for me he’ll have to make an exception for everyone. But evaded talking about his niece…

I’m honestly at a loss. This job was a saving grace after my last job of over 3 years became completely soured when the owner started making sexual advances toward me once my relationship ended. & then began retaliating when I declined his advances. That last job gave me diagnosed PTSD that I’m still dealing with. I feel like shit. I know I can probably fight this but after the last job I honestly don’t have any fight in me. I’m still dealing with that situation in a legal sense and needless to say it’s mentally exhausting.

I’m also sorry for formatting im on mobile. Please be kind I am in a very bad place.

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