
I was just fired for having boundaries

I'm only 22 and I just moved across the country by myself, and I've been living off my savings since. It took me 3 weeks but I got a job at a large national grocery store chain (I'll leave it unnamed just in case, but you can have your guess). I have been a cashier for three years so I wasn't concerned about whether I would land the job. During my interview, I asked what wage I would be starting at, the manager said that I would be receiving their starting wage of $12.50/hr. I asked if they could match or exceed my previous job (before I moved) wage of $14.50/hr doing the same job, to which she responded “Unfortunately we don't do experience pay here. It's all because of this Union junk we have to deal with.” Red flags are flying but I just dealt with it, I only…

I'm only 22 and I just moved across the country by myself, and I've been living off my savings since. It took me 3 weeks but I got a job at a large national grocery store chain (I'll leave it unnamed just in case, but you can have your guess). I have been a cashier for three years so I wasn't concerned about whether I would land the job.

During my interview, I asked what wage I would be starting at, the manager said that I would be receiving their starting wage of $12.50/hr. I asked if they could match or exceed my previous job (before I moved) wage of $14.50/hr doing the same job, to which she responded “Unfortunately we don't do experience pay here. It's all because of this Union junk we have to deal with.” Red flags are flying but I just dealt with it, I only had to commute 1.5 miles so it wasn't a huge deal, but still infuriating.

I started as a cashier at this store on Sunday the 11th, and a mere 6 days later on the 17th, I was fired effective immediately, and here's why.

My manager came up to me and asked when I could work next, because apparently nobody thought to check my availability ahead of time and put me on the schedule for next week. I told her my availability was Monday through Saturday, noon to close. She gave me a weird look. “You can't do Sunday?” she said. I told her that was the only day of the week I couldn't do, but that I'd be happy to come in any other time. She still seemed unenthused with my remark. “I'll have to go speak with some of my other managers to get this figured out.” she said before walking into the front office, shaking her head.

I get back to work, but while I was waiting for her to call me into the office, I asked other co-workers if they also were required to work Sundays, and most of them said no. Only a few said they voluntarily work Sundays but that they were never pressured into it. About 10 minutes later, she peeks her head out of the office door and asks me to come in.

I walk into the office and she's sitting with the two other managers and she confirms “So you're sure you can't do Sundays? Even a late shift like 4-close?” I told her no, that it was my only dedicated day off to relax and do chores–when realistically, it's none of her business what I'm doing on my day off. For all she knows, I could have Sunday college classes, or a religious exemption, however she was not happy with my answer. She was probably expecting me to budge and give in to her request. “Well I've been working in the grocery industry for 43 years… EVERYONE works Sundays. Including me. It's our busiest day of the week and I need all hands on deck. I have a family, and grandkids, and I'm here bright and early Sunday morning with a smile on my face.” I don't know what point she was trying to make, attempting to guilt-trip me.

She looks at the other managers and gives them a nod. She then says “If you are unable to work Sundays, then unfortunately you are not a viable asset to our company, and it's not worth moving forward with you here. Today will be your last day.” I just said okay and went back to work the rest of my shift. I don't really care anymore. I've only been there for 6 days and they don't pay me jack. I'll just find a job somewhere else that actually respects my boundaries. She's lucky I can't afford a lawyer. I will be making a formal complaint to their labor union.

It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that I'm just an asset, a peon, someone they want to exploit and underpay just so the CEO can make millions sitting in an office doing nothing. The power is with the people. Don't take shit from anyone.

Thank you for reading.

TL;DR I was fired from my underpaying job of only 6 days for refusing to work on Sundays.

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