
I was let go, but they said to keep working there.

Hi there! I’m going to keep it vague because I work in the legal field and don’t want to start anything! After working at my new place of employment as a paralegal for less than one month, I was pulled into my boss’s office where they told me I wasn’t a good fit for the team so I was fired BUT I could keep working there until I found a new job. Y’all I’m completely confused and have never heard of this happening to someone… Not only that but this was my dream job and I’m completely blindsided I guess I go in tomorrow like it’s all good.

Hi there! I’m going to keep it vague because I work in the legal field and don’t want to start anything!

After working at my new place of employment as a paralegal for less than one month, I was pulled into my boss’s office where they told me I wasn’t a good fit for the team so I was fired BUT I could keep working there until I found a new job.

Y’all I’m completely confused and have never heard of this happening to someone… Not only that but this was my dream job and I’m completely blindsided I guess I go in tomorrow like it’s all good.

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